Contact Curt Samborsky
at 248.797.2844 or
to explore how Marilynn can customize a presentation or program to meet your specific needs.

The demands of today's competitive marketplace require an astute culture in which all are intelligent about and engaged in the increase of value and the elimination of unnecessary costs.

Practical knowledge and proven, discipline processes are applied to collaboratively examine current products, services and/or practices and creatively explore more profitable alternatives.

A team of highly experienced facilitators is available to work with your organization's teams to affect bottom-line results

Would your organization benefit from . . .
Competitive Benchmarking
A systematic comparison of products, services or processes of self and competitors to improve processes and create new standards.

Value Analysis/Value Engineering  (VA/VE)
A systematic method to improve the value of goods and services using an examination of function and cost.

Value Chain Management
A disciplined approach of managing integrated information about product flow from suppliers to end users to reduce defects, inventories and costs.

Lean Manufacturing
A systematic approach to identifying and eliminating waste through continuous improvement by following the product at the demand of the customer.


What do you need to do to ensure your organization maintains a competitive advantage?